Debut Fest - Nonstop Feeding The Kitty

Never before have so many ready-made meals been sold as now. The streamlined meal can't possibly be taking up all our time, so where does it go? Is it being spent on care, intimacy, and sex? This is what we aim to investigate in Nonstop Feeding The Kitty

We at Nonstop Feeding The Kitty would like to explore intimacy, time, and food. We are focused on microwaves, ready-made meals, and the communal meal. Through this residency, we aim to investigate: what happens to the gastronomic experience when mutual presence is lacking? We wish to explore what it does to us when we allow ourselves to give time and love to the food and let the food embrace us like a warm hug. A ritual or a communal meal over which we gather, where love, time, and gratitude are the essence. What is the communal meal without these concepts?

We want to investigate where the presence has disappeared to if it is neither found around the dining table nor in the intimate. We do not believe it has vanished, but we would like to find glimpses and moments where presence is evident and highlight it.

In cooperation with Playwrighter: Trine Thostrup

Musician: Erik Storgaard

Actor: Minna Søberg Kristensen

Actor: Sarah Sieben

Actor: Liva Lykke Friis


Kunstnerne bag Nonstop Feeding The Kitty er dramatiker Trine Thostrup, musiker Erik Storgaard og skuespillerne Minna Søberg Kristensen, Sarah Sieben og Liva Lykke Friis.

Kunstnerne undersøger hvor nærværet er forsvundet hen, hvis den hverken findes rundt om spisebordet, eller i det intime. De tror ikke, den er forsvundet, men vil gerne finde glimt og øjeblikke, hvor nærværet er til stede og belyse den.


Huset, VOX

Rådhusstræde 13

1466 København
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