
A platform for the next generation of culture-creating activists

More info coming soon...

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About Overgrund

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Opening hours

As a member of Overgrund you have access to the office all hours of the day

Week days: 9.00 - 16.00

In this timeframe Overgrund is used for meetings, workshops and as an office

Week days: 16.00 - 00.00

In this timeframe you'll be able to book Overgrund for larger meeting (+10 pers.) and events


During weekends you'll be able to book Overgrund for larger meeting (+10 pers.) and events

How can I become a member of Overgrund

Send a request to our cultural editor Mikkel Sønnichsen by email: mikkel@huset-kbh.dk and hear more about how you and your association can become members.

The costs are 1.000 DKK every six months per association to be a member of Overgrund.

How can I book Overgrund

Once you've become a member of Overgrund, you get access to an online booking system where you can book the premises for events or larger meetings.



Mikkel Sønnichsen

Rådhusstræde 13, 1. sal

1466 Copenhagen