Present your work at DEBUT FEST 2024
Perhaps you've already taken the first steps towards your artistic career, or maybe you have a completely different background that has shaped you and given you valuable experiences that you wish to bring into play through an artistic project?
DEBUT FEST is a one-day festival for emerging artists, taking place at HUSET on September 7, 2024. We open all the stages and corners of the house to creative upcoming artists and cultural creators across art genres, who have the opportunity to present their new work for an audience.
The vision for Debut Fest is to celebrate budding artists and create an interdisciplinary platform that provides space for new voices on the cultural scene – regardless of age, gender, or ethnicity.
The program is put together through an Open Call process, where HUSET and Snabslanten, in collaboration with participants from last year's DEBUT FEST, assemble a broad and cohesive program for the festival.
Whether you're a musician, performer, writer, visual artist, or something entirely different, DEBUT FEST is the perfect platform to showcase your works to a broad and culturally interested audience for a collective celebration of innovative art and culture.
As a participant in DEBUT FEST, you become part of an inspiring community with other emerging artists and expand your network in the cultural industry. HUSET and Snabslanten, as organizers, offer assistance in seeking funds and contribute to promoting you and your project, as well as providing technical assistance and equipment when the festival takes place.
Please note! There is no fee for participation in Debut Fest.
The networking process consists of two joint meetings on May 15 and June 13, for everyone selected to present their project at DEBUT FEST. The meetings are mandatory, as it is important for participants to be familiar with us, HUSET, and the other participants. At the meetings, you will be introduced to HUSET's stages and technical staff, receive guidance from us on promoting your project, and most importantly, meet the other emerging artists.
We encourage you to carefully read the criteria and guidelines before submitting your application. If you have any questions or need guidance regarding your application, you are welcome to contact us at
Read more about our Open Call and sign up via the registration form below.
We look forward to receiving your application!
How do I apply?
Who can participate?
All emerging artists can participate regardless of artistic expression, age, gender, ethnicity, etc.
Projects will be selected based on the following criteria:
- New and debut work. Your product, project, or event must have been produced/created within the past year. You may have released work before, but what you present at DEBUT FEST must be new.
- The material must be original and relevant to a culturally interested audience.
- Project creators must be emerging and non-commercial.
- Projects will be selected based on a comprehensive and diverse program according to the primary category for which you apply.
What is Debut Fest?
DEBUT FEST is a one-day festival for emerging artists and a celebration of new art and culture. The festival is created by Denmark's first cultural center, HUSET, and the City of Copenhagen's youth fund, Snabslanten, which regularly distributes "the city's quickest funds" to young cultural creators. Both parties focus on creating opportunities and frameworks for innovative artists and cultural creators.
The vision for DEBUT FEST is to celebrate emerging artists, new art, and culture while creating a platform that equalizes all art forms and provides space for new voices on the cultural scene – regardless of age, gender, or ethnicity.
DEBUT FEST was first held in 2022 and emerged through a collaboration between Denmark's first cultural center, HUSET, and the youth fund Snabslanten, both of which focus on creating opportunities and frameworks for innovative artists and cultural creators.
About Snabslanten:
Snabslanten is the City of Copenhagen's youth culture fund for small "here-and-now" projects, where one can apply for up to 10,000 DKK.
Snabslanten has existed since 2008 and was created based on young people's desires to easily develop and implement cultural projects in Copenhagen.
Snabslanten's organization consists of an administration and a voluntary grant committee consisting of 8-12 young individuals with insight into and interest in the Copenhagen cultural scene.
About HUSET:
HUSET is a cultural platform where volunteers and cultural environments within the alternative scene have space, sparring, and experience to create cultural grassroots activities. Together, we present everything from concerts to theater, talks, underground films, food culture, and interdisciplinary projects.
HUSET is Denmark's first cultural center and has existed since 1970.
HUSET has been a platform for significant cultural personalities and important political movements, from the women's liberation movement to the punk movement to today's board game culture and focus on more sustainable lifestyles.
When can I expect to hear back from you?
After the application deadline, HUSET and Snabslanten will select the projects to be featured at DEBUT FEST. You will receive a response regarding your selection for the program a few weeks after the application deadline.
The selection process will be announced continuously. Follow the Facebook event for DEBUT FEST 2023 for updates.
Your application will be handled confidentially, with great respect for the possibility that you may be sharing something that has not been publicly shown before.