Blockbuster BlowUP Fest - 2025 (day 1)
We've decided to improve this festival by making it last an entire week. So instead of the participants only having 48 hours to make a movie, we instead are giving them an entire week!
The rest of the rules are, as they've been in the past.
But let's make it clear for everyone: Your team draws a blockbuster-film to remake on the starting day the 4th of april - you then get a week to produce the film as creatively as you want.
Only your imagination is the limit. We then screen all the movies on Friday the 11th of April and a board of seasoned film critics get to decide what movies are ultimately the best to win the prestigious price of the Blockbuster Blow-Up Festival of 2025.
But let's make it clear that the best part of this is just to participate and to make an amazing film.
Remember that your movies should not be longer than 10 minutes!
See you there and we are looking forward to see your movies!
Huset, Husets Biograf
Rådhusstræde 13