Kabaret Kopenhagen Bizarre Burlesque vol. 2

Welcome to the long awaited second installation of one of Kabaret Kopenhagens first shows ever - BIZARRE BURLESQUE vol. 2!

The first Bizarre Burlesque show took place way back in 2019 when we were performing at Byens Lys in Christiania and featured a cornucopia of strange and bewildering acts - all those weird ideas we got over the years but that simply didn't fit in anywhere else. 

So once again, we're gonna let our freak flag fly and get real weird with it, this time in Xenon at the top floor of Huset.


  • Seymour Bottoms (S)
  • Sophie Sioux
  • Momo Lamarr
  • Porcelina Rose
  • Sally Boleyn
  • Miss Texas
  • Dopamine Dolly
  • Edith Poussey
  • More tba 

Host: Jassy Androgene

Pianist: Dr. Orgles


Huset, Xenon

Rådhusstræde 13

1466 København K


Venue: Xenon

Døre: 20.00

Show: 21.00

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