THE TALK: Behind the Scenes with Jonas Hollerup Helle
Step into the creative mind of Jonas Hollerup Helle, the talented Copenhagen-based artist and film editor whose digital collages transform interview footage from the Charlie Rose Show into unexpected cultural commentary. With clever editing and perfect timing, Jonas creates moments that blur the line between reality and imagination—equal parts absurd, dark, and humorous.
His videos featuring Kanye West & Elon Musk and Will Smith & Chris Rock have drawn millions of views on YouTube. This is a rare chance to see his craft up close and discover how these fascinating conversations come to life.
Event Details:
Doors open at 18:30 | Program starts at 19:00
- The evening will kick off with a live interview with Jonas, hosted by Curious Neighbours founder Gus Guerrero
- After a short break, Jonas will take you behind the scenes. He’ll show you how he builds these videos, the technical and creative decisions he makes, as well as present episodes that have never been posted online
- Before we wrap up, you’ll get the chance to ask Jonas your own questions about his work and unique approach to digital storytelling
Despite being frequently mistaken for AI-generated content, Jonas's work is created through hours of meticulous editing and thoughtful composition. This session will be perfect for film lovers, content creators, and anyone curious about digital storytelling.
This event is free and part of a series of gatherings by Curious Neighbours—an emerging platform documenting creative life in the Nordics through honest conversations and shared listening.
Launched in 2023, Curious Neighbours is an ongoing exploration of identity, self-expression, time, and place—one that values personal stories as essential to deepening our appreciation of what it means to create.
Follow us on Instagram: @CuriousNeighbours @JonasHollerupHelle
Huset, Xenon
Rådhusstræde 13
Venue: Xenon, 4. sal
Døre: 18.30
Show: 19.00
Entré: Gratis, kræver tilmelding